The Happiness Project by Gretchen Rubin

Happiness isn't a goal but a process. 

I got this book a long time ago. I pretty much gave up at where I started. I found it boring at the time. I remember stopping at the part where we should get rid of our clutters and stay organised – the very first chapter of the book, January: Boost energy. I even gave the book to one of my ex-boyfriends when he was going through a tough time. I thought it would help him more than me, says someone who didn't even read it. Surprisingly, he gave it back to me when we broke up. Since then, it's been sitting on my bookshelf for quite a few years before I decided to actually read it.  

I was going through a low point in life and somehow I remember the existence of this book. I want to be happy. At that time, I certainly was not. Am I now?  

This book explores a journey of happiness – a 12-month happiness project with different resolutions each month. The author, Gretchen Rubin, covers aspects from vitality, work, parenthood, money, eternity, mindfulness to attitude, and more. All recorded in this book. Not that Gretchen was unhappy when she was writing this book, but she wanted to find ways to be happier. 

This isn't another how-to guidebook. It's a very down-to-earth and fun book as if I was reading someone's diary with heaps of useful advice. Even though I didn't find every single written point useful or that I agree with all of them, this book has definitely made me reflect upon my daily practice of life. And that, Gretchen was also very honest and open with her readers where she said there were practices she gave up or some she found they were not right for her after trying, and that's totally okay. It's the process of trial and error, to see what fits you, so to find your own happiness path.  

This book has also motivated me in different aspects of life, contributing to my own happiness path. I highly recommend jotting notes or putting memo sticker on parts that you feel resonated to when you're reading it, because I think it’s a good way to find out whether you still feel the same maybe in a few months, in order to see the changes in you. I'm sure you'll get something out of each chapter as I have.

Find out more about The Happiness Project. There are resources such as Resolution Chart and Daily Time Log that you can download for free.

Get yourself a copy to learn about ways to be happier: The Happiness Project by Gretchen Rubin 📚


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